a Daoist teaching of Harmony from ancient China

Feng- Shui

The aim is to bring people into harmony and balance with the environment, which is achieved through the special design of living and living spaces. The words "Feng and Shui" come from Chinese and are translated as wind and water. Chi, an invisible life energy, which must be kept in motion. As a style of (house) furnishing, it is about allowing chi to flow unhindered through the living spaces.

Feng Shui is used to remove blockages internally and externally and to let love and vitality flow into your life.

I had my first experience with Feng Shui a few years before I began my training. I experimented and tried to implement it as much as possible. I don't want to go into how to use it so much, but rather what it is about and why everyone should use it.
If you want to design your flat, house or garden according to Feng Shi, you can use the Bagua. It is a schematic tool of Feng Shui that serves to ideally divide, furnish and use living spaces.

It is divided into eight living areas or nine zones, which are grouped in the form of a square or octagon around the central areas of the Tai Chi.

Erst baut der Mensch ein Haus,
dann formt das Haus den Menschen.
Erst prägt der Mensch den Raum,
dann prägt der Raum den Menschen.

-Josef Frank

There are some rules to be observed, to name one of them:
For example: the toilet lid is not closed. (A No Go)! Whether it is due to external factors or simply the circumstances of everyday life, because one is simply so used to certain things, one does not pay attention to them.
They say the chi flows down the channel and leaves the house. This could have a negative effect on finances and health.

With a little sense of feeling and understanding, and perhaps a little intuition, it would be easy to follow some rules.

By dealing with and working with Feng Shui, it quickly became clear to me why this knowledge, which was passed down thousands of years ago, was such an important treasure to the legendary Chinese emperor in China.

He kept this knowledge strictly under lock and key from his volk and it was thus considered one of his most valuable achievements that no one else was allowed to know about or use.
At the moment you don't hear a lot of talk about Feng Shui
Is this true, or is it there but we are just not acknowledging it? I believe the principles of Feng Shui are very present in our shops and stores to increase sales on the market. This is about the arrangement, the material, the colour or even in which area of a shop the goods are stored and offered.

Not only that, but also account numbers, car registration numbers - all of these are successfully used by experienced businessmen to enrich themselves even more, to become even more successful. One should never underestimate the power of numbers!

As a Feng Shi consultant, I use it together with the Tyrolean Wheel of Numbers, as the two can be optimally combined. For neither of the two teachings takes energy away from the other, but rather completes it. I like to do research and I have clearly found this to be true for me. I was very surprised when I studied the Tyrolean Wheel of Numbers to see how much it connected with Feng Shi.
In my consultations I pay special attention to the family members living in the house and I am also very much aware of their birth numbers.

Many small tips, like which colours should be worn more often or on which occasion, which missing colours should be used for a harmonious togetherness, can greatly enrich everyday life. For this, I usually use the room in the house that they use together the most.
Dousing (detecting water veins) is one of my strengths.
We all know that we do not function optimally without a good night's sleep, and therefore the place of sleep is treated as very important in Feng-Shi.
There are very inexpensive ways to balance or de-stress water so that you can enjoy a more restful, healthier sleep.

You can learn more about this in my consultations, where you can choose between two different options.

06647978898 | marlenehaas@hotmail.com
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